Thomas Bean | biography
2300 High Ridge Road
Boynton Beach, FL 33426
United States
Thomas Bean, Chair of Children’s Services Council’s board, is Executive Director Development, Community Engagement NextEra Energy Resources. Prior to this role, Thomas was the director of public and community engagement for Florida Power & Light Company. He joined FPL in 2009, having also served as external affairs area manager, community outreach manager and lead business specialist. Previously he worked in Washington D.C. as chief of staff and communications director for U.S. Representative Mario Diaz-Balart of Miami and legislative correspondent for U.S. Representative Jim DeMint of South Carolina. He has served on the board of directors for several local organizations, is a past president of Leadership Palm Beach County and co-founder of Friends of Manatee Lagoon. He is a University of Florida graduate with a Master’s degree from Trinity International University.
* Children's Services Council of Palm Beach County does not propose, recommend or endorse gubernatorial appointments to the Council. Those interested in serving should apply to the Governor's Office of Appointments at this site: https://www.flgov.com/appointments.